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Walton Plaza -Bhola Branch

Walton Plaza -Bhola Branch
  • Walton Plaza -Bhola Branch

Business Info

Business Name Walton

Address Goldhar Plaza,Ground floor,Sadar Road,Bhola Sadar Upazila
Bhola , Barishal

Phone +8801678-028872


Business Hours From: 9:00 AM to 8.00 PM (Open 7 days a week)


Product/Service Details

Walton is a leading multinational brand specializing in electrical, electronics, automobiles, and other consumer appliances. It boasts one of the largest Research & Innovation (R&I) facilities in the world and carries out its production through various subsidiaries under the banner of Walton Group, headquartered in Bangladesh. With over 30,000 employees across 22 production bases, covering more than 700 acres of factory space, Walton has an annual production capacity of 10 million... Read More
১০% ছাড়ে ওয়ালটন WKS005RN ওয়্যারলেস কিবোর্ড কিনুন এখন মাত্র ৮৯১ টাকায়!

১০% ছাড়ে ওয়ালটন WKS005RN ওয়্যারলেস কিবোর্ড কিনুন এখন মাত্র ৮৯১ টাকায়!

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Walton Plaza (Flyer)

Walton Plaza (Flyer)

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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)