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Walton E-Plaza (Mymensingh Trishal Bus Stand)

Walton E-Plaza (Mymensingh Trishal Bus Stand)
  • Walton E-Plaza (Mymensingh Trishal Bus Stand)

Business Info

Business Name Walton

Address Trishal Bus Stand, Bodorer Mour,Mymensingh Sadar
Mymensingh , Mymensingh

Phone +8801686692473


Business Hours From: 9:00 AM to 8.00 PM (Open 7 days a week)


Product/Service Details

Walton is the latest multinational electrical, electronics, automobiles and other appliances brand with one of the largest well equipped R & D facilities in the world carried out its production through different subsidiaries  under the banner of Walton group headquarters in Bangladesh. Walton had entered into electronics business in 1977 with manufacturing of electrical and electronic items and gradually expanded its operation in many other electronics field that... Read More
১০% ছাড়ে ওয়ালটন WKS005RN ওয়্যারলেস কিবোর্ড কিনুন এখন মাত্র ৮৯১ টাকায়!

১০% ছাড়ে ওয়ালটন WKS005RN ওয়্যারলেস কিবোর্ড কিনুন এখন মাত্র ৮৯১ টাকায়!

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Walton Plaza (Flyer)

Walton Plaza (Flyer)
Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)