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Teknaf blood donors Association

Teknaf blood donors Association
  • Teknaf blood donors Association

Business Info

Business Name Teknaf blood donors Association

Address Cox s Bazar,Teknaf Upazila
Cox's Bazar , Chattogram

Phone 8801838628645


Business Hours From 10:00 am to 06:00 pm (Sunday to Thursday)

Product/Service Details

Teknaf blood donors Association  is responsible for ensuring that donated blood, or blood products, are safe before they are used in blood transfusions and other medical procedures. It includes typing the blood for transfusion and testing for infectious diseases. Also, it is responsible for the management of the hospital's bloodstock, which includes maintaining an inventory for each blood group, ensuring an average age of blood at the time of issue, and monitoring the amount of... Read More
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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)