Tasty Treat Chicken (Food Menu)

Business Info

Business Name Tasty Treat

Address House No:Y-14/C,Ground Floor ,Rajia Sultana Road,Mohammadpur
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone 8801704133814

Email info@tastytreatbd.com

Business Hours From 7.00 am to 11.00 pm, (Open 7 days a week)

Web https://www.tastytreatbd.com

Product/Service Details

It is an outlet based on the bakery business. After carefully testing recipes, and using some of the finest ingredients, Tasty Treat has found its name to be the most appropriate name for the business. We are very proud of the fact that the Bakery uses no preservatives, as well as no trans fats. All of our baked goods are baked fresh per order and are available for pick up 7 days a week. Our... Read More
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Tasty Treat Chicken (Food Menu)

Tasty Treat Chicken (Food Menu)

Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)