Tasty Pastry

Tasty Pastry
  • Tasty Pastry

Business Info

Business Name Tasty Pastry

Address Tasty Pastry,Ground Floor,28/2 Gagan Babu Rd,Rupsa Upazila
Khulna , Khulna

Phone 8801681604394

Email tastypastry@gmail.com

Business Hours From 10:00 am to 08:00 pm (7 days a week)

Web https://web.facebook.com/TastyPastrykhulna/?_rdc=1&_rdr

Product/Service Details

Welcome to MAWbiz, Bangladesh's premier local search engine revolutionizing the way you connect with businesses. As a dynamic business directory, MAWbiz is your gateway to discovering the finest establishments, including Tasty Pastry located at 28/2 Gagan Babu Rd, Khulna 9100. Uncover the rich tapestry of local services, products, and culinary delights with our intuitive platform.MAWbiz is more than a directory; it's a community-driven platform that empowers local businesses... Read More
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