Takaful Islami Insurance Limited

Takaful Islami Insurance Limited
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Business Info

Business Name Takaful Islami Insurance Limited

Address Takaful Islami Insurance Limited,2nd Floor,Star Mansion (2nd Floor), Zeropoint, Shaheb Bazar, Rajshahi-6100,Paba
Rajshahi , Rajshahi

Phone 8801712-032733

Email takaful.rajshahi@gmail.com

Business Hours From 10:00 am to 06:00 pm (Friday to Saturday)

Web https://www.takaful.com.bd

Product/Service Details

Takaful Islami Insurance Limited was established in 2001. A group of Businessmen who had earlier launched an Islami Bank in the private sector sponsored the company with 60 million taka capital. Sponsors included shipping magnets, Doctors, Engineers, Bankers, Top Garment exporters and Importers.

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