Taimur Rashid

Taimur Rashid
  • Taimur Rashid

Business Info

Business Name Taimur Rashid

Address House: 25/5,,Road: 15 (New) 28 (Old),Dhanmondi
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone +8801710908977

Email rashidtaimur98@gmail.com

Business Hours From 10:00 am to 06:00 pm (Sunday to Thursday)

Web https://web.facebook.com/taimur.rashid.9

Product/Service Details

Taimur Rashid is a highly experienced engineering officer with a comprehensive and strategic understanding of the operation, technical issues, and system development. He has 14 years of working experience in corporate and factory. Also, He worked at Transcom Electronics Ltd. as a Senior Maintenance Engineer from 2011 to 2021.Mr. Rashid... Read More
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