Sylhet Technical Training Center (STTC)

Sylhet Technical Training Center (STTC)
  • Sylhet Technical Training Center (STTC)

Business Info

Business Name Sylhet Technical Training Center (STTC)

Address shylet Road,Balaganj
Sylhet , Sylhet

Phone 821841800


Business Hours From 8.00 am to 6.00 pm, (Closed-Friday)


Product/Service Details

Bangladesh like any other third world and developing country of the world has an abundance of uneducated and unemployed population. A very less percentage of the population of our country is educated in terms of technical and formal education. Even most of the so-called educated people have crossed only the first step and are capable of signing their names only. All these people need... Read More
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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)