Sundarban Courier Service (Pvt.) Ltd. -Bhola Branch

Sundarban Courier Service (Pvt.) Ltd. -Bhola Branch
  • Sundarban Courier Service (Pvt.) Ltd. -Bhola Branch

Business Info

Business Name Sundarban Courier Service (Pvt.) Ltd.

Address Kheyaghat Road,Tin khamba,Bhola Sadar Upazila
Bhola , Barishal

Phone +88049162494


Business Hours From 9.00 am to 7.30 pm (Open 7 days a week)


Product/Service Details

Sundarban Courier Service (Pvt.) Ltd. is a distinguished courier service provider in Bangladesh, celebrated for its swift and dependable delivery services. With an extensive network of over 793 branches nationwide, it also operates a branch in Bhola.The company caters to both corporate and retail customers, offering a variety of services. These encompass document delivery, value-declared service for e-commerce, conditional... Read More
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