South Point School and College embarked on its remarkable journey in 2003, under the visionary leadership of Founding Chairman M. A. Rashid. His profound desire was to shape students into forward-thinking members of a progressive global society. The school has been continually inspired by the impeccable leadership of Mrs. Hamida Ali, the former principal of Viqarunnesa Noon School and College.Under the dynamic guidance of...
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South Point School and College embarked on its remarkable journey in 2003, under the visionary leadership of Founding Chairman M. A. Rashid. His profound desire was to shape students into forward-thinking members of a progressive global society. The school has been continually inspired by the impeccable leadership of Mrs. Hamida Ali, the former principal of Viqarunnesa Noon School and College.
Under the dynamic guidance of Founder Principal Mrs. Hamida Ali, the college has garnered significant recognition and goodwill. Following its exceptional success, South Point College’s Baridhara Campus is set to commence its academic functions in English for levels eleven and twelve (HSC) for the 2019-20 session. An experienced faculty, armed with high-level expertise, stands ready to elevate students to new heights, shaping this premier school with optimal teaching and learning outcomes.
At South Point School and College (SPSC), we believe that schools are living entities that profoundly influence students’ lives. Our school has proven its worth by producing academically and intellectually sound citizens and honest leaders across various fields. Our intimate observation and strategic planning in schooling have led us to our desired goals and remarkable success.
Our aim to provide practical knowledge through our unique creative methods has fortified our students’ foundation, enabling them to reach towering heights. Thanks to the vigilant presence of our Founder Principal Mrs. Hamida Ali and our teachers’ relentless efforts, both the quality and results are continually improving. We take pride in being recognized as the best school in the Dhaka Board based on the SSC result of 2008, and we were honored with the 9th place based on the HSC result of 2009.
South Point School and College embarked on its remarkable journey in 2003, under the visionary leadership of Founding Chairman M. A. Rashid. His profound desire was to shape students into forward-thinking members of a progressive global society. The school has been continually inspired by the impeccable leadership of Mrs. Hamida Ali, the former principal of Viqarunnesa Noon School and College.Under the dynamic guidance of...
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