South Bangla Agriculture & Commerce Bank Ltd.

South Bangla Agriculture & Commerce Bank Ltd.
  • South Bangla Agriculture & Commerce Bank Ltd.

Business Info

Business Name South Bangla Agriculture & Commerce Bank Ltd.

Address 19 Boro Bazar,Mymensingh Sadar
Mymensingh , Mymensingh

Phone +8801795843483


Business Hours From 10:00 am to 09:00 pm


Product/Service Details

South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce Bank Limited is a private commercial Bank. It is incorporated in Bangladesh as a banking company in 2013 under the Companies Act.1994. Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh. SABC working to deliver service excellence for all of our corporate, agro based, SME and retail segments Particularly Women agri and... Read More
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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)