Social Islami Bank Limited ATM (Mymensingh Branch)

Social Islami Bank Limited ATM (Mymensingh Branch)
  • Social Islami Bank Limited ATM (Mymensingh Branch)

Business Info

Business Name Social Islami Bank Limited

Address Ali Plaza,2nd Floor ,Muktijodda Sarani, Road 64, Chota Bazar,Mymensingh Sadar
Mymensingh , Mymensingh

Phone +8809166197


Business Hours From 10.00 am to 4.00 pm, (Sunday to Thursday)


Product/Service Details

Founded in 1995, Social Islami Bank Ltd. (SIBL) is the country’s leading value-added financial institution based on Shariah' Principles. SIBL comprises of  SIBL Securities Ltd, SIBL Investment Ltd, SIBL Foundation Hospital. The three-tier banking model (Formal, Non-formal & Voluntary), the first of its kind in the banking arena of Bangladesh, brings a new dynamism in welfare banking targeting eradication of poverty of the country with a motto of “Working... Read More
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