Skin and Dermatology Unit - City Hospital Ltd.

Skin and Dermatology Unit - City Hospital Ltd.
  • Skin and Dermatology Unit - City Hospital Ltd.
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Business Info

Business Name City Hospital Limited

Address House No: 1/8, Block-E,Lalmatia,Satmosjid Road,Mohammadpur
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone +8801558-220134, +8801815-484600, +880-8143437, +880-8143167


Business Hours 24 Hour (Open 7 days a week)


Product/Service Details

Skin & Dermatology Unit City Hospital Ltd. has a well established & highly equipped skin, sexual & dermatology unit. This unit is providing best service to the skin, sexual & dermatology patients. We have consultant to take care of these patients. ACNE Conglobala SAPHO Syndrome ACNE Rosacea Pyoderma Faciale 02. Allergy & Eczema 03. Allergy, Diaper 04. Allergy Rash & others allergic disorders. 05. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Sex therapy & Counselling.... Read More
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