Shodesh Polli

Shodesh Polli
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Business Info

Business Name Shodesh Polli

Address Sayed Bari, 903/A,Omar Ali Matobbar Road,Near Bahardar Bari,Oxygen
Chattogram , Chattogram

Phone +8801847-190000, +8801866-594721


Business Hours From 10.00am To 09.00pm


Product/Service Details

Discover the essence of style and sustainability at Shodesh Polli, a renowned Bangladeshi clothing brand celebrated for its premium quality garments and distinctive designs. With a firm dedication to ethical practices, Shodesh Polli has emerged as a preferred choice for discerning consumers who prioritize conscious fashion.Step into the realm of fashion at Shodesh Polli Clothing Store, where each garment seamlessly blends style with comfort. Our carefully curated collection showcases... Read More
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