Samiha Auto rice mil

Samiha Auto rice mil
  • Samiha Auto rice mil

Business Info

Business Name Samiha Auto rice mil

Address Samiha Auto rice mil,,Baliadangi-Lahiri Hat Rd,Baliadangi Upazila
Thakurgaon , Rangpur

Phone N/A


Business Hours From 08:00 am to 05:00 pm (Closed- Friday)

Product/Service Details

Located on the bustling Lahiri Hat Road in Baliadangi, Thakurgaon, Samiha Auto Rice Mill plays a vital role in the local community. This establishment efficiently transforms paddy rice, the lifeblood of Bangladeshi cuisine, into the fluffy white grains that grace dinner tables across the region.Samiha Auto Rice Mill utilizes modern automated machinery to ensure a streamlined and efficient rice processing operation. This technology allows for a high volume of production while... Read More
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