Reedisha Spinning Ltd.

Reedisha Spinning Ltd.
  • Reedisha Spinning Ltd.

Business Info

Business Name Reedisha Spinning Ltd.

Address Zamirdia,Habir Bari,Bhaluka Upazila Mymensingh District,Bhaluka
Mymensingh , Mymensingh

Phone +8802-8891219, +8802-8891572


Business Hours From: 10am to 06pm (Saturday to Thursday)


Product/Service Details

Reedisha envisions to be a force to reckon with and a compliant group to be often referred to, in the burgeoning textile industry of Bangladesh. We aspire to make our presence felt both at home and abroad. We will integrate the quality and ethics of business with state-of-the-art machinery and highly skilled workers. Our enterprise will bear the flag of our nation. Therein lies all our efforts and commitment.

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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)