Rajshahi University

Rajshahi University
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Business Info

Business Name Rajshahi University

Address Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam,Administration Building,University of Rajshahi,Paba
Rajshahi , Rajshahi

Phone (+88 02)588865011

Email registrar@ru.ac.bd

Business Hours From 09:00 am to 05:00 pm (Friday to Saturday)

Web https://www.ru.ac.bd/

Product/Service Details

The University of Rajshahi is one of the largest universities in the country and the largest with the highest seat of learning in the northern region of Bangladesh. After its foundation on July 6, 1953, the university has passed 62 years providing higher education and research. The university is located on a 753-acre campus on the green premises of Motihar, which is very close to the mighty river Padma and seven km east of the Rajshahi City Center.The necessity of a university in the... Read More
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