Rajshahi University Film Society

Rajshahi University Film Society
  • Rajshahi University Film Society

Business Info

Business Name Rajshahi University

Address 527,Rabindranath Thakur Academic Building,University of Rajshahi,Paba
Rajshahi , Rajshahi

Phone 01303-075449

Email fsrubd@gmail.com

Business Hours From 09:00 am to 05:00 pm (Friday to Saturday)

Web https://www.ru.ac.bd/

Product/Service Details

Welcome to the Rajshahi University Film Society, a vibrant community dedicated to all things film. As a film organization club, we are passionate about cinema in all its forms, and our activities revolve around exploring, appreciating, and creating films.Our club is open to all individuals who share an interest in film, regardless of their background or level of experience. Whether you're a seasoned film enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of cinema, you are warmly welcomed to join... Read More
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