Parapar - পারাপার

Parapar - পারাপার
  • Parapar - পারাপার

Business Info

Business Name Parapar Newspaper

Address 36 Choto Bazar, Muktijoddah Soroni,Mymensingh Sadar
Mymensingh , Mymensingh

Phone +8801728381116


Business Hours From 10:00 am to 07:00 pm

Product/Service Details

Parapar is a daily newspaper publication printed on paper and issued regularly. It gives information and opinions about current events and news of the country. To stay up to date about the local city, state or country, you should keep an eye on our newspaper. We deliver printed copies to your home. Besides, you can read the news on our online portal.

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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)