P. A. Knit Composite Limited

P. A. Knit Composite Limited
  • P. A. Knit Composite Limited

Business Info

Business Name Reedisha Spinning Ltd.

Address Zamirdia,Habir Bari,Bhaluka Upazila Mymensingh District,Bhaluka
Mymensingh , Mymensingh

Phone +8802-8891219, +8802-8891572

Email info@groupreedisha-bd.com

Business Hours From: 10am to 06pm (Saturday to Thursday)

Web https://www.groupreedisha-bd.com/

Product/Service Details

Following a change in ownership in 2012, P. A. Knit Composite Limited (PKL) has transformed into a fully integrated, independent textile manufacturing unit under the esteemed umbrella of Group Reedisha. As a 100% export-oriented composite knit garments factory, PKL now caters to a diverse clientele of multinational corporations.Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, our Knitting Department boasts thirty Circular and four Flat Knitting Machines sourced from Singapore and China,... Read More
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