Orion Footwear Limited, Khulna

Orion Footwear Limited, Khulna
  • Orion Footwear Limited, Khulna

Business Info

Business Name Orion Footwear Limited, Khulna

Address Orion Footwear Limited, Khulna,1st Floor,81, Shamsur Rahman Road,Rupsa Upazila
Khulna , Khulna


Email orionfootwearkh@gmail.com

Business Hours From 10:00 am to 8:30 pm (7 days a week)

Web https://www.facebook.com/p/Orion-footwear-ltd-100069452228445/?paipv=0&eav=AfYECmelfc7XlhVU3tgNAhOI5V-vhexjEIzoyQgDfLp7GtgbGiis0-Z7H07_r4v7vVw&_rdr

Product/Service Details

Orion Footwear Limited is an important strategic business unit of Orion Group in its footwear and foot-care division stepping into the market in the beginning of 2015 with a slogan to “Never be the same” through nationwide retail distribution network with a clear vision to be number one shoe brand in the country by 2025, where the customer will experience unique shopping experience in terms of product, quality and service. The company is structured with all logical departments... Read More
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