Orchestra Integrated Centre for Children with Special Needs

Orchestra Integrated Centre for Children with Special Needs
  • Orchestra Integrated Centre for Children with Special Needs

Business Info

Business Name Orchestra Integrated Centre for Children with Special Needs

Address Muradpur,Anawara
Chattogram , Chattogram

Phone 01960888997

Email orchh5@gmail.com

Business Hours From: 09am to 06pm (Saturday to Thursday)

Web https://www.facebook.com/orchestracentre

Product/Service Details

This is the Foundation in the area. Here we are caring for children, women, We have qualified managers, always care ward boys, personal attendees to take care of the children. Surrounded by supportive staff, it is a shelter for all needy children. spacially  children. you are invited to our foundation.

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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)