Oncology - MMC

Oncology - MMC
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Business Info

Business Name Metropolitan Medical Center Limited

Address 46, Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Sharani,Mohakhali
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone +8801718-237035, +88029830482, +8801977-237035, 9830706, 9830531

Email mmel.corporate@gmail.com, mmcl_nc@yahoo.com

Business Hours Always Open 24/7

Web http://mmclbd.net

Product/Service Details

In 1978, in a rented house in Eskaton Garden, Dhaka, a noble idea took root as five visionary founders began their journey to establish a private clinic. The initiative was driven by the dream, vision, and leadership of Dr. A. K. N. Islam, then Chief of Medicine at Holy Family Red Crescent Hospital. Alongside him were four other sponsor directors: Mr. Abdul Matin, Prof. M. A. Zaman, Mrs. Lutfor Rahman, and Mr. M. A. Matin. Through hard work and dedication, the team transformed their clinic... Read More
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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)