Nephrology - Central Hospital Ltd

Nephrology - Central Hospital Ltd
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Business Info

Business Name Central Hospital Ltd

Address House#2,Road #5,Dhanmondi
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone +8802-41060801-19, +8801321-213963, +8801733972986


Business Hours 24 Hours (Open 7 days a week)


Product/Service Details

Central Hospital Ltd. is a healthcare facility operated by a dedicated team focused on delivering quality care. The hospital’s strengths lie in its commitment to quality, use of advanced technology, and support for the ongoing professional development of its doctors and staff. Central Hospital Ltd. is home to over 88 doctors who offer consultations in various specialties. Among them is Dr. Ishtiaque Mosharrof, MBBS, MD (Nephrology), BCS (Health), a specialist in Medicine... Read More
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