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MEP Engineering Point

MEP Engineering Point
  • MEP Engineering Point

Business Info

Business Name MEP Engineering Point

Address House #353,, Road # 27,Mohakhali DOHS
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone 02-58816453


Business Hours From: 09am to 05pm (Saturday to Thursday)


Product/Service Details

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) is a technology introduced as a system to minimize efficiency losses

An air source LG VRF system is engineered to minimize or use no ductwork as a saving, save on the cost of large distribution fans, multiple water pumps operation and water piping. Energy efficient and easy to design, install, and maintain, a VRF system has the lowest life cycle cost of any system on the market today.

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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)