Marium Eye Hospital, Saidpur

Marium Eye Hospital, Saidpur
  • Marium Eye Hospital, Saidpur

Business Info

Business Name Marium Eye Hospital

Address Saidpur bypass,Saidpur
Nilphamari , Rangpur

Phone 05526-71877, +8801773-807526


Business Hours From 08.00am To 10.00pm


Product/Service Details

Marium Eye Hospital stands as a beacon of modernity and excellence in eye healthcare, dedicated to delivering top-tier surgical procedures and comprehensive care to ensure optimal vision for all patients. Committed to quality, compassion, and service excellence, Marium Eye Hospital aims to set new standards in eye treatment and patient satisfaction.The impact of Marium Eye Hospital extends far beyond Ulipur, attracting patients from all over Northern Bangladesh and even further afield.... Read More
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