The Human Services Campaign was established in early 1986 to develop the saving habits of a few children and adolescents in the Mahishbathan Purbapara mahalla of Rajpara police station in Rajshahi district. At that time the company was known by a different name and the savings were deposited at least one taka a week As the amount of savings gradually increased, the organization started...
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The Human Services Campaign was established in early 1986 to develop the saving habits of a few children and adolescents in the Mahishbathan Purbapara mahalla of Rajpara police station in Rajshahi district. At that time the company was known by a different name and the savings were deposited at least one taka a week As the amount of savings gradually increased, the organization started operating on a larger scale, later known as 'Manabseva Abhiyan', and in 1999, the organization was registered with the Department of Social Services. In order to improve the socio-economic condition of the poor, the organization is carrying out various service activities in the fields of education, health, forestry, environmental protection, etc. and making them aware of their various responsibilities, duties and rights. It also conducts savings and micro-credit activities to create employment and self-reliance for the backward classes. The company was registered with the Microcredit Regulatory Authority in October 2006
The Human Services Campaign was established in early 1986 to develop the saving habits of a few children and adolescents in the Mahishbathan Purbapara mahalla of Rajpara police station in Rajshahi district. At that time the company was known by a different name and the savings were deposited at least one taka a week As the amount of savings gradually increased, the organization started...
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