Kaz Software

Kaz Software
  • Kaz Software

Business Info

Business Name Kaz Software

Address 35/5 Shantinagar ,Shantinagar
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone 880248315727

Email info@kaz.com.bd

Business Hours From 11:00 am to 07:00 pm (Closed-Saturday & Sunday)

Web https://kaz.com.bd/

Product/Service Details

We are a custom software company in Bangladesh. We started as a start-up software outsourcing company in 2004. We became a Bangladesh limited company in 2005 and have been growing every year.

We find technical solutions for our clients. Typically this would mean we are building software products for them, but sometime we would be doing something completely different like researching business data or setting up their firewall.

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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)