Kaium Islam Sohel

Kaium Islam Sohel
  • Kaium Islam Sohel

Business Info

Business Name Kaium Islam Sohel

Address House #428/1,Ground Floor,Garden View Road,Kallyanpur
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone +8801750142320

Email kaiumislamsohel@yahoo.com

Business Hours From 10:00 am to 06:00 pm (Sunday to Thursday)

Web https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaiumislamsohel/

Product/Service Details

Mr. Kaium is your guide to achieving professional excellence, unlocking your potential, and transforming your career. With a stellar career spanning twelve dynamic years in the world of Human Resources, complemented by a wealth of academic achievements and a passion for continuous learning, Mr. Kaium is your catalyst for success.Achievements That InspireMr Kaium has a track record of excellence that speaks volumes:• Recipient of Corporate Excellence... Read More
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