Janani Express Parcel Services -Bhola Branch

Janani Express Parcel Services -Bhola Branch
  • Janani Express Parcel Services -Bhola Branch

Business Info

Business Name Janani Express Parcel Services

Address Kheyaghat Road,Tin khamba,Bhola Sadar Upazila
Bhola , Barishal

Phone +8801871-042999, +8801871-042883

Email info@jananiexpress.com, bholabranchjeps@gmail.com

Business Hours From 9.00 am to 9.30 pm (Open 7 days a week)

Web https://jananiexpress.com/

Product/Service Details

Janani Express Parcel and Courier Services is a trusted logistics company based in Bangladesh, specializing in reliable and efficient parcel and courier delivery services nationwide. Our commitment revolves around ensuring utmost customer satisfaction, prioritizing timeliness, safety, and affordability.Backed by a team of skilled and dedicated professionals, we guarantee prompt and secure delivery of your parcels and goods. With years of experience in the industry, our workforce is... Read More
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