Jams civil Engineers Ltd. has been in the construction arena for the last 31 years, initially serving various sectors of the Government including the sectors of health, food, power, disaster management etc. and gradually moving on to the sector of real estate.With a view to alleviating the living accommodation problem of the mega city Dhaka, Jams civil Engineers Ltd stepped in the real estate development scene in 2018. During the span of the last 01 year Jams civil Engineers Ltd. has...
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Jams civil Engineers Ltd. has been in the construction arena for the last 31 years, initially serving various sectors of the Government including the sectors of health, food, power, disaster management etc. and gradually moving on to the sector of real estate.
With a view to alleviating the living accommodation problem of the mega city Dhaka, Jams civil Engineers Ltd stepped in the real estate development scene in 2018. During the span of the last 01 year Jams civil Engineers Ltd. has completed and handed over more than 01 apartment in Dhaka.We believe that Quality is not a concern solely of the top management or the quality control department rather it should be the concern of every single member of the workforce, starting from the Managing Director right down to the bottom rung of the ladder. Besides, based on the philosophy Quality comes first, Profit is its logical sequence, Jams civil Engineers Ltd is maintaining Quality at all stages of development by involving the total workforce. With the dedicated contributions of a full-time workforce including architects, design engineers, skilled & experienced project personnel and not to mention state-of-the-art in-house architectural & structural design facilities, Jams civil Engineers Ltd has been able to achieve enviable success within a very short time.At Jams civil Engineers Ltd we believe that a satisfied customer, whether a landowner or a purchaser, shall become a source of our advertisement, creating a wider scope for business. We proudly aver that of the more than 01 completed projects, many of the plots we acquired were through the advocacy of our valued landowners.In all honesty choosing a developer is quite a difficult and risky task for a landowner & apartment buyer. Nowadays there are many developers in the field. Which, then, shall one choose and what shall be the criterion for choice? Our suggestion would be that a landowner and a apartment buyer may quite easily jump over this hurdle by talking to the landowners and the unit owners of various completed projects of a particular developer. From them he shall be able to get an accurate and embellished picture about that developer. Making decisions based on the external trappings such as the dazzling finishing items and ostentatious gate only, instead of paying adequate attention to the structural details shall surely not help matters.In fact, the structure of the building ought to be a major matter of concern as there is nothing one can do to change it until or unless the building is demolished. And sound structures are always a priority for honest developers.
Jams civil Engineers Ltd stands for honesty, trust, faith, quality & commitment. These are the guiding forces behind Jams civil Engineers Ltd's excellence as a trusted developer. We can proudly say that Jams civil Engineers Ltd is a Brand Name one can trust for safe investment.
Jams civil Engineers Ltd. has been in the construction arena for the last 31 years, initially serving various sectors of the Government including the sectors of health, food, power, disaster management etc. and gradually moving on to the sector of real estate.With a view to alleviating the living accommodation problem of the mega city Dhaka, Jams civil Engineers Ltd stepped in the real estate development scene in 2018. During the span of the last 01 year Jams civil Engineers Ltd. has...
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