Impact Nursing Institute

Impact Nursing Institute
  • Impact Nursing Institute

Business Info

Business Name Impact Nursing Institute

Address Chandbil, Amjhupi,Meherpur-S Upazila
Meherpur , Khulna

Phone 880 791 63087, 63095


Business Hours From 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, (Closed-Friday)


Product/Service Details

Over the last twenty years, IFB has grown from a tiny initiative with a few volunteers into an organization with more than 200 staff. Our ongoing projects are: IMPACT Foundation Bangladesh An international initiative against avoidable disablement IMPACT Nursing Institute is the new venture of IFB; established in March 2014 with a view to create an opportunity for rural girls to obtain 3 years Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery Certification.The Nursing Institute is accredited by The Bangladesh... Read More
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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)