Ideal Residential Model School

Ideal Residential Model School
  • Ideal Residential Model School

Business Info

Business Name Ideal Residential Model School

Address Ghughuratoli (Station Road),Chirirbandar Upazila
Dinajpur , Rangpur

Phone 8801794323734


Business Hours From 09:00 am to 04:00 pm (Sunday to Thursday)


Product/Service Details

Ideal Residential Model School was established in the year 2011 with exceptional efforts by many institutions in Chirirbandar Upazila of Dinajpur district. Its academic activities started on 1st February 2012. In the beginning, the campus was buzzing with the march of 437 students from play group to class VII. Since the beginning, parents from local and distant places have placed their trust in us and entrusted us with the responsibility of their beloved children and we continue to repay... Read More
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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)