Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institute

Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institute
  • Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institute
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Business Info

Business Name Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institute

Address Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institute,Ground Floor,Shepaipara, Rajshahi, Bangladesh ,Paba
Rajshahi , Rajshahi

Phone 8801712-732087

Email hsttiraj@yahoo.com

Business Hours From 10:00 am to 05:00 pm (Closed- Friday)

Web http://hstti.rajshahi.gov.bd/en

Product/Service Details

Higher Secondary Teachers’ Training Institute (HSTTI) established in 1993 under Higher Secondary Project ensuring quality teacher at Intermediate level. At initial stage this Institute starts Subject based Training Program (56 days) for Non Government College teachers since 1995. Presently this Institute accommodate a multidisciplinary teacher training programs by the financial support of revenue & development budget throughout the year under the direct supervision of Ministry of... Read More
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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)