Ha-Meem Group

Ha-Meem Group
  • Ha-Meem Group

Business Info

Business Name Ha-Meem Group

Address 387,South,Tejgaon Industrial Area,Tejgaon
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone +880-2-8170592, +880-2-8170593

Email delwar@hameemgroup.com

Business Hours From 10:00 am to 8:00 pm, (Closed-Friday)

Web http://www.hameemgroup.net/

Product/Service Details

Ha-Meem Group is a leading wholesale clothing manufacturer in Bangladesh and in the world. The company produces some of the most fashionable denim fabrics and garment products and owns one of the most comprehensive and resourceful manufacturing facilities in Bangladesh. Ha-Meem today is working with some of the biggest fashion brands in the world. The company has a rich history of 30 years in... Read More
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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)