Grameen Health Care Services Ltd.

Grameen Health Care Services Ltd.
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Business Info

Business Name Grameen Health Care Services Ltd.

Address Grameen Telecom Bhaban,9th Floor,53/1,Box Nagar,Mirpur Zoo Road,Mirpur-1
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone +8801712-599434, +8801916-271117, +88-44802097,44802096,44802095


Business Hours From 10:00 am to 08:00 pm (Closed- Friday)


Product/Service Details

Grameen Health Care Services Ltd. (GHS) operates as a Social Business Enterprise, focusing on healthcare service provision, particularly in the field of eye care in Bangladesh, with a special emphasis on serving low-income and underprivileged individuals. Diverging from profit-driven models, GHS operates under the principles of Social Business, aiming to maximize societal benefit.Established in 2006 under the Bangladesh Company Act, GHS was inaugurated by Nobel Laureate Professor... Read More
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