Grameen GC Eye Hospital-Barishal

Grameen GC Eye Hospital-Barishal
  • Grameen GC Eye Hospital-Barishal
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Business Info

Business Name Grameen Health Care Services Ltd.

Address Rupatoli,Barisal Sadar Upazila
Barishal , Barishal

Phone +8801713-493393, +88-0431-71740,71741


Business Hours From 10:00 am to 08:00 pm (Closed- Friday)


Product/Service Details

In May 2009, GHS inaugurated its second eye hospital in Rupatali, Barishal District, located approximately 260 km south of Dhaka. Named Grameen Green Children (GC) Eye Hospital, this facility received substantial support from the Green Children Foundation, USA, with a generous contribution of half a million US Dollars. The hospital serves the Barishal and Jhalokathi districts, encompassing an area of 3534 sq.KM and a population of 3.04 million.Grameen G.C. Eye Hospital, Barishal, is... Read More
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