ENT Cancer - ENT and Head-Neck Cancer Hospital and Institute

ENT Cancer - ENT and Head-Neck Cancer Hospital and Institute
  • ENT Cancer - ENT and Head-Neck Cancer Hospital and Institute
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Business Info

Business Name ENT and Head-Neck Cancer Hospital & Institute

Address Plot No.-F- 12,Sher-e-Bangla Nagar
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone +8802-58151660, +8802-58151159, +8801763-690571

Email info@entbd.org, entcancerhospital@yahoo.com

Business Hours From 8.00 am to 11.45 pm (Open 7 days a week)

Web http://www.entbd.org/

Product/Service Details

Bangladesh, as a developing country, faces a range of health issues, with a significant focus on ear, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases. Among these, deafness is a leading cause of morbidity, especially prevalent in rural areas. The challenge is so extensive that even private sector efforts and NGO initiatives struggle to address it adequately. To tackle these issues, a group of philanthropic social workers, doctors, and other professionals established the 'ENT and Head-Neck Cancer... Read More
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