To provide knowledge on Leadership, Communication, Teamwork, and Time Management
To improve teamwork and time management skills
To explain the ways of demonstrating effective leadership, and communication in the workplace
To enable the participants to implement essential soft skills in the workplace
Manager, supervisors, coordinators, team leaders and anyone who is interested to develop these skills are highly encouraged to join the training.
Methods: Lecturer by discussion, Video, Simulation exercise, Brainstorming, Q-A
Time Management
Methods: Lecturer by discussion, Storytelling, Video, Group work, Role play, Brainstorming, Q-A
Communication Skills
Methods: Presentation, Q-A
Methods: Lecture followed by discussion, Case study, Buzz Group Discussion, Presentation, Q-A
Tareq Ahmed is a well-known professional trainer, training consultant, soft skills activist and disability mainstreaming & inclusion practitioner in Bangladesh having more than 12 years of experience. He is an inspirational speaker, content writer, career coach, HR specialist and capacity building specialist. He is...
Mentor DetailsBDT 1500
EnrolBDT 1200
EnrolBDT 2000
EnrolBDT 4000
EnrolBDT 1200
EnrolBDT 1200