Introduction to SCM
Process flow of SCM
Decision Phases of SCM
Strategic Sourcing in SCM
SCM Networks
Pricing & Revenue Management
Role of IT in SCM
Implementation Process of SCM
Flow Components of SCM
Performance Measures of SCM
Economies of SCM
Inventory Management in SCM
Agile and Reverse Supply Chains
Introduction to SCM
Process Flows & Decision Phases in SCM
Performance Measures, Sourcing & Economies in SCM
Integration, Agile & Reverse SCM and IT Roles
Supply Chain Sustainability
Farhan is a seasoned business & development professional who has a clear focus onprivate sector engagement & development, public-private partnerships, market system development, value chain management, and supply chain management in sustainable development outcomes. Led winning teams and impact interventions during 10+ years of career in the development and private sectors of Bangladesh. Worked in the private sector of Bangladesh for over 03 years before entering the development...
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