
General Disclaimer:

All offerings, including coupons, sales, deals and ads in MAWbiz.com.bd are from vendors. MAWbiz.com.bd is not in any way responsible for fulfilling these offerings. The entities who are making these offerings are solely responsible to fulfil their respective offerings.

External Link Disclaimer:

MAWbiz.com.bd provides external links that are not provided or maintained by or in any way affiliated with MAWbiz.com.bd. Please note that MAWbiz.com.bd does not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of any of these websites.

Fitness Disclaimer:

MAWbiz.com.bd may offer health, fitness & nutritional information. This information may not be used as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Data disclaimer:

All data contained in the business directory part is either entered by the business owner/representative or by our data entry agents collected from primary and/or secondary sources. It is possible to have occasional typing errors or have outdated data. We review all our data periodically however, can not guarantee complete accuracy of all data contained in the business directory section. If you own the business and notice any anomaly with the data, get in touch with us at support@mawbiz.com.bd and the data will be amended/the profile will be handed over to you to amend the data as you see fit/the business profile will be permanently deleted from our website.