Cosmetic Surgery - City Hospital Ltd.

Cosmetic Surgery - City Hospital Ltd.
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Business Info

Business Name City Hospital Limited

Address House No: 1/8, Block-E,Lalmatia,Satmosjid Road,Mohammadpur
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone +8801558-220134, +8801815-484600, +880-8143437, +880-8143167


Business Hours 24 Hour (Open 7 days a week)


Product/Service Details

Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic surgery aims to change your appearance by altering parts of your body that function normally but make you unhappy. If you're dissatisfied with your appearance, you may be interested in cosmetic surgery not only to look better, but also to feel better. Cosmetic enhancement is not just about improving outward aesthetic appearances. It is an extremely complex medical discipline, which involves advanced procedures and highly intricate surgical procedures. Opting to have... Read More
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