Unbound Dreams

  • Iffat Ara Rifa
  • Category: Poetry
  • Published on: Saturday, Feb 22, 2025

How I stand alone in the pitch black,

No, that doesn’t concern you.

How I break and screech silently while you sleep,

You don’t know anything about my blue.


Tied me so tight that I’ve forgotten how to walk,

Just being afraid I’ll go astray, I’ll go loose-

But tell me, will you ever be able to captivate a soul from flying afar in the space?

Even if you make it wear the heaviest shoes?

No, you won’t.

And you haven’t been able to.


You’ve tightened me like a string into a spool,

But you have no idea that I already flew.

I’m free in the sky now.

Getting to know life anew.

I’m like the green leaf on winter morning,

Alive by only a drop of dew.


I know the world is scary to you.

But don’t try to make me what you want in lieu

Of what I dream, my wishes are only a few-

Despite what you tell me, that I have no clue?


No. My dreams are the biggest anyone’s ever knew. 




Unbound Dreams || Iffat Ara Rifa


Iffat Ara Rifa is a 21-year-old student who has a passion for writing poems and short stories. Her love for metaphors shines through in her work as she explores the balance between hope and the often gloomy phases of life, seeing how they complement one another. Currently, she is focused on honing various skills and expanding her education beyond traditional books, always striving for personal growth and creative expression.




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