Last Ember

  • Ariana Afrin Emo
  • Category: Poetry
  • Published on: Thursday, Feb 20, 2025

Are you the tree in the graveyard, 

or the fallen star I search for in the sky? 

You said the sky was the limit 

can you see me now, soaring beyond your reach?


I search for you in the faces of ghosts 

I once feared to face. 

Do you follow me, 

as I follow the trace of your steps?


Do you see me in the sun, 

its light burned into my eyes 

eyes that are yours, 

but carry a void you left? 


Is it you in the fog, 

holding me close when I can't breathe? Am I drowning in it, 

or is it your arms that won’t let go? 


Do you hear my cry, 

echoing in the thunder’s roar 

a sound that's very similar to yours now swallowed by the storm? 




Last Ember || Ariana Afrin Emo


Ariana Afrin Emo is a dedicated student with a passion for poetry, both reading and writing it. She channels her creativity into her poems, offering her unique perspective and voice through her literary work.




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