STING (2024)
Movie Name: STING (2024)
Movie Director: Kiah Roache-Turner
- Charlotte (A Little Girl)
- Sting(A Venomous Spider)
- Mrs. Helga (Paternal Grandma of Charlotte’s Biological parents),
- Mr. Ethan (Charlotte’s Step-Father)
- Mrs. Heather (Charlotte’s Biological Mother)
- Liam (Charlotte’s step-brother)
- Mr.George (Charlotte’s Favourite Neighbour & a Biologist too)
- Mr.Frank (CID Dept.)
{The Movie is about a Venomous Spider(Sting).}
Charlotte a 12-year old girl,lived with her biological Mother Mrs.Heather,Step-Father Mr. Ethan and Liam,step-three-year old brother. While Mrs. Helga (Charlotte’s Grandma) lived separately beside Charlotte’s home as she never liked Charlotte’s mother marrying other guy after her son’s death. Charlotte was frightened of Grandma as she was acted annoyed to her but Charlotte couldn’t resist visiting Grandma’s storeroom through the connected air-duct which passed through the long corridor’s and was as huge as a tunnel;as she always collected some scratch from there to play.It was kinda secret door for Charlotte indead.
Once Upon a time an Asteriod hit the earth, meanwhile a small particle of the asteroid accidently hit the storeroom window of Mrs. Helga’s storeroom. From the particle came out a small spider.That day Charlotte visited grandma’s home and as usual was busy finding small stuffs to play and suddenly saw a baby spider stuck in her left hand. It stuck on hands so gently that she felt attached and thought to take at along with her.So, Charlotte put the spider in an empty match box and took it to her room secretly. Then she put it in a jar and gave it a name “Sting”. Sting became Charlotte’s favourite pet. Once Charlotte killed a cockroach and was about to throw it, when Sting started making noise as if it wanted it. Charlotte then put the cockroach in the jar and in no time the spider(Sting) swallowed the cockroach. Charlotte was amazed to see this. From that day she regularly killed cockroaches to feed Sting. Once a mouth- ball fell from Charlotte’s sweater(gift from grandma) beside the jar, when the spider started making furious noise. Charlotte then tried to understand what was the reason as she brought the mouthball closer to the spider web, the webs started to burn-out and spotted that mouthballs were harmful for spiders and may even kill she prevented mouthballs from Sting.She took great care of her pet.But as days passed she was amazed to see that Sting grew more than usual spiders. One night, the jar lid opened by itself and Sting went hunting for food.It killed the parrot of neighbour Mrs. Maria.It killed the bird so brutally leaving just the feathers.Next day the police arrived and couldn’t guess out the case. While Mr.Frank (from CID) investigated that it could be a venomous insect.
Charlotte went to Mr. George, her favourite neighbour to show her big spider,as he was a biologist and also asked him if he could identify the type of species Sting had. He didn’t answer at that moment and asked her to leave the spider that night in his home as he needed to first study about it. Mr. George then called Mr.Ethan (Charlotte’s dad) as soon as Charlotte left. He showed the spider and said him that this spider was Venomous and grew every minute according to the food it consumes. Also ensured that, could be the reason behind the brutal death of neighbours pet parrot.
Next day when Charlotte brought the spider home, Mr. Ethan shouted her for keeping a Venom insect secretly who killed the neighbours pet. She didn’t believe him and left the place. Then slowly day-by day Sting started to hunt all other pets of neighbours and finally on humans too! Charlotte’s father again warned her this time for it was no other than Sting. But she never tried to understand instead left annoyed.
On the other side ,Mr.Helga always wore sweaters made with the fragnance of mouth balls and carried lots of mouthballs with her everytime as she earlier spotted that a great spider was living in the air-duct as she saw some miserable incidents before the death of the pets. But couldn’t express it loud as she was mute and a forgetfull person too.
Once Charlotte couldn’t find her pet anywhere and doughted her father did something. Her father shouted at her for doughting him for no reason,they quarrelled long when Charlotte carried her little brother,liam and furiously left the place and played loud music in her room ignoring her dad.After a while when she was hungry and came out her room to ask her mom for food,when one-of- sudden realized her parents were missing from the house. This time she realized that the giant spider have carried away her parents. she was so ashamed and helpless not listening to her father earlier. In order to rescue her parents, she rushed to the air-duct to go to grandma’s storeroom quikly as she knew gradma had mouthballs in her store but to her surprise could see the giant spider had captured her parents in the duct-tunnel with strong webs which were so strong to cut off. So, she rushed back directly to grandma for help,from there she brought a lot of mouth balls, powdered and mixed with water and filled bottles and then poured on the web. The web burned out and her parents got rescued but in no time there arrived the giant Sting and attacked back. Charlotte and her parents tried to prevent Sting from harming them using the mouthball water and managed to pass by the exit door when Mr. Ethan tried to hit Sting with a sharp object when accidently it hit on the water pipe which made the whole area drown with water and thus the activated mouthballs no more could prevent Sting attacking them.When Sting came crawling and rushing again, Charlotte immediately put down the duct door harder onto the spider and this made the spider to break into pieces. Thus,Sting died and her family got rescued.
STING (2024) || Moumita Shil
Moumita Shil is a dedicated movie enthusiast with a love for films of all genres, from horror and thrillers to action, survival, and animation. In addition to her passion for watching movies, she excels at reviewing them, delivering engaging and insightful commentary with a unique perspective.
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