Community Engagement


Outreach Event

বিরহী ফুল

  • Aysha Zannat
বিরহী ফুল || Aysha ZannatAysha Zannat lives in Chittagong. She is a third year honor's student at Mirsarai Degree College. Her hobby is...
Outreach Event


  • Sketch: Mushrana Mumu
KAABAH || Mushrana Mumu    Mushrana Mumu is pursuing MBBS degree from Brahmanbaria Medical College and Hospital. She has interest in Poster design, drawing, Sketch, photography etc. Whatever she does,...
Outreach Event


  • Photographer: Md Salammon Sakifur Rahman
Motherhood || Md Salammon Sakifur Rahman   Md Salammon Sakifur Rahman is studying BSc in Mechanical Engineering...
Outreach Event


  • Photographer: Fahad Zakir
পাতাবাহারি || Fahad Zakir    Fahad Zakir is a final year student, doing bachelor in Economics in University of Khulna. He is a nature...
Outreach Event

জিনিস পত্রের যা দাম মামা, টাকা তো বেশি লাগবেই!

  • Photographer: Oyahidul Islam Shanto
জিনিস পত্রের যা দাম মামা, টাকা তো বেশি লাগবেই! || Oyahidul Islam Shanto   Oyahidul Islam Shanto is a photographer. He wants to explore...