Community Eye Hospital, Rangpur

Community Eye Hospital, Rangpur
  • Community Eye Hospital, Rangpur

Business Info

Business Name Community Eye Care & Research Center

Address Modern Mor,Ashratpur,Infront of Cadet College,Rangpur Sadar
Rangpur , Rangpur

Phone +8801733-999384


Business Hours From 08.00am To 09.00pm


Product/Service Details

Community Eye Care & Research Center (CECRC) is a charitable organization committed to providing comprehensive eye care services to the people of the Rangpur area, with a mission to eradicate avoidable blindness. CECRC aspires to expand its capabilities, aiming to offer advanced eye care services in the future. The center envisions becoming a leading institution for eye care and research in the Northern Region of Bangladesh, with a focus on this region but with a commitment to serve... Read More
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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)