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Chittagong City Corporation (CCC)

Chittagong City Corporation (CCC)
  • Chittagong City Corporation (CCC)

Business Info

Business Name Chittagong City Corporation (CCC)

Address Batali Hill,Nagar Bhaban,Andarkilla,Anwara Upazila
Chattogram , Chattogram

Phone 88031616501


Business Hours From: 09am to 05pm (Sunday to Thursday)


Product/Service Details

Chattogram City Corporation descended from the name of Chattogram Municipality which was founded on June 22, 1863. The initial area of newly formed Municipality was only 6 Sq. Miles. There were 5 wards viz A, B, C, D and E. Mr. J. D. Ward was first appointed administrator. Late Khan Bahadur Abdus Sattar was the first elected Chairman of Chattogram Municipality. Late Nur Ahmed was the most significant Chairman in the life of Municipality who introduced the important Education System under... Read More
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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)
Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)