Chittagong Cantonment Public College

Chittagong Cantonment Public College
  • Chittagong Cantonment Public College

Business Info

Business Name Chittagong Cantonment Public College

Address bayezid Bostami Road , Chittagong, Bangladesh, 4210,,Chittagong,Oxygen
Chattogram , Chattogram

Phone 02339243170


Business Hours From 10:00 am to 07:00 pm (Closed- Friday,saturday)


Product/Service Details

On October 17th, 1961, Colonel Ahmed Ali Sheik, T.P.K., the then Station Commander, extended a cordial invitation to Field Marshal Md. Ayub Khan, NPK, H.J., the President of Pakistan, to inaugurate the foundation of this esteemed institution. Established under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 by the Chittagong Cantonment Public School Foundation, the institution embarked on its journey on October 23rd, 1961, thanks to the generous contributions of numerous gracious individuals who... Read More
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