Care Well Dental Cure, Chakaria

Care Well Dental Cure, Chakaria
  • Care Well Dental Cure, Chakaria

Business Info

Business Name Care Well Dental Cure, Chakaria

Address Cox s Bazar,Chakaria Upazila
Cox's Bazar , Chattogram

Phone 8801741438383


Business Hours From 09:00 am to 09:00 pm (7 days a week)

Product/Service Details

Care Well Dental Cure, Chakaria we provide all kinds of dental treatments, including minor oral surgeries. You can expect the highest level of service from us. Also, we provide a complete briefing, before any treatment to ensure patients are fully aware. Besides, we provide reminders for periodic cleaning and check-up for oral healthcare, according to the desire of the patients. We maintain patients' health records, with a history of treatments. In addition to that, we keep these files... Read More
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